Learn how to tell a birthing person’s cervical dilation using the purple line dilation check instead of an internal cervical check.

February 16, 2021

The Purple Line During Labor

New information shows that low milk supply may be linked with placenta encapsulation.

January 29, 2021

Reasons NOT to Consume Your Placenta

Doulas should be viewed as a valuable, evidence-based member of the birth care team.

January 27, 2021

Evidence on: Birth Doulas

5. Choose your birth attendants and birth place wisely. This is one of THE most important decisions you can make to achieve a natural birth. When you choose a midwife, you’re getting someone who believes in your body’s innate ability to birth your baby. You know you won’t have to go into labor ready to […]

June 24, 2020

5 things you can do NOW to prepare for your natural birth

baby breastfeeding

Water birth at Andaluz of Portland, Oregon Priscila and her family are originally from Brazil. Brazil has a voluntary C-Section rate over 85%. Priscila felt drawn toward having both her babies vaginally and unmedicated. Her first child was born in Brazil, where she labored as long as possible at home before going to the hospital. […]

February 12, 2020

Priscila’s Waterbirth At Andaluz in Portland

breastfeeding in bed at Andaluz in Portland, Oregon

When a birthing mother is allowed to feel safe and secure in the privacy of a dark room surrounded by people she knows and trusts, she is 10 times more likely to experience the Fetal Ejection Reflex (FER) during the second stage of labor (pushing). It’s widely known that when a woman experiences stress or […]

March 13, 2019

Fetal Ejection Reflex

Have you or anyone you know practiced the 40 days of rest postpartum? It’s the idea that the postpartum mother must rest during this sacred period of time immediately following birth. During this time, your only job is to fall in love with your baby and learn to breastfeed. Many mamas who practice 40 days […]

March 13, 2019

40 days of rest postpartum

Delayed Cord Clamping Did you know that the World Health Organization recommends delayed cord clamping for all births? (except in case of emergency, of course) The WHO recommends 3 minutes but most midwives will tell you that you need to wait until the cord stops pumping blood to the baby. Immediate cord clamping isn’t recommended […]

March 13, 2019

delayed cord clamping

After Birth Pains Have you heard of afterbirth pains? I don’t remember this at all after my first, but after my second the after pains were REAL. For me it lasted about 3-4 days postpartum but I’ve heard it can vary. Breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which makes your uterus contract, helping to shrink […]

March 13, 2019

afterbirth pains

5 reasons why I love Midwives – continuity of care with one provider that gets you, knows your family and your preferences. – midwives improve birth outcomes! Mothers who use midwives are less likely to be induced, require vacuum or forceps, or be induced. They’re more likely to go into labor spontaneously and reach full […]

March 13, 2019

5 reasons why I love Midwives

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